5 Barista Schools in Indonesia that Make Lo Jago Ngeracik Coffee

Coffee trends and the proliferation of coffee shops in Indonesia lately make the barista profession even more promising. In the past this profession might still be underestimated because it was considered only a coffee maker and the employment status was unclear. However, since the beginning of 2017 the barista profession has been recognized by the state because the Tourism Office and the Ministry of Education and Culture have confirmed the barista profession.

The Barista is now not only recognized as a job, but also has a career path, you know! As Irvan Helmi, founder of Anomali Coffee coffee shop, told us, barista work also has a career path.

Just like in many tiered jobs in general, barista work starts at the probation level, then continues to junior barista level, then rises again to become a senior barista. Well, from the senior position of this barista you will choose two different concentration concentrations, namely education and managerial. If you like to share knowledge with others, the position that is suitable for you is education. While the managerial specialization itself is occupied by those who want to become cafe managers.

One thing is certain, baristas also need special education or specialization, as well as other specialist jobs. So to be an advanced barista, you have to study at a barista school that teaches a lot of things about coffee, from the basic to the expert stage.

Well, for those of you who love coffee and are interested in being a barista, Viki has a recommendation that coffee schools are guaranteed to be able to polish your skills as a barista. Check out!

1. Caswell's Coffee Lab

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This cafe located on Ampera Raya street is really good for those of you who want to take barista school. How not? Caswell's Coffee Lab has been accredited with the Specialty Coffee Association of America (SCAA. Uniquely, this coffee school also has a training program to become a quality grader. If you follow this program, later you will be able to become cuppers or coffee tasters who are experts in assessing coffee quality and the characteristics of various kinds of coffee that you taste.

Every student here will be taught various kinds of coffee rating factors. You will be taught to assess taste, aroma, acidity, and assess its aftertaste. You need to prepare a fee of around 19 million rupiah. The cost is indeed quite a drain, but comparable with the international level certificate (SCAA) that you will get.

2. 5758 Coffee Labs

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Maybe most people think that barista training schools are only in Jakarta. Eits, don't get me wrong! This one coffee lab is located in the city of Bandung. It's really good for those of you who live in Bandung and have dreams of becoming a Barista.

About quality, 5758 Coffee Lab also doesn't need to be doubted anymore. Instructors at 5758 These Coffee Labs are those who have quality grader certificates from the Specialty Coffee Association of America (SCAA). Not only are barista classes available here, but there are also other classes divided into several sections. There are manual brewing classes, latte art classes, to quality grader classes. Because the class is separated by section, the costs vary, ranging from around 750 thousand to tens of millions of rupiah.

3. Indonesian Coffee Academy

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The Indonesian Coffee Academy is in one of the famous coffee shops, namely Anomali Coffee. Initially, you will learn basic knowledge about the problem. Next is the practice of making espresso. At this stage you will be taught how to make good espresso, from steaming techniques to pouring milk techniques. Besides that, you will also explain about art latte and cupping. All participants here start by following an espresso base class. The Indonesian Coffee Academy opens a beginner barista class at a fairly affordable price, which is only 3 million rupiah.

4. A Bunch of Caffeine Dealers (ABCD)

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This coffee shop is very famous among coffee lovers in Jakarta. For you who want to be able to rattle coffee as good as coffee in ABCD, there's nothing wrong with taking coffee education classes here. At ABCD's barista school, you will be explained the theories about coffee and direct practice. Anyway, complete!

Barista schools charge 5 million rupiah for the whole package. Actually the prices offered here vary depending on the class you choose. For example for the brewing class you have to pay 1 million rupiah, cupping class at a cost of 1.2 million rupiah, and class latte art at a cost of 3.3 million rupiah. The class itself is held for three days per session. For those of you who are interested and just go straight to Jalan RP Soeroso Menteng.

5. Universitá del Caffé dell 'Indonesia (UDC)

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Illy's name as a coffee equipment company from Italy should be familiar to you who is an expert in the world of coffee. Well, recently PT Bahana as a distributor of Illy has just made Universitá del Caffé dell 'Indonesia or Universitas Kopi Indonesia.

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